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Heirs Of Fire is an alt-metal band project started in 2017 by the italian artist John Legato. His music can be described as a metal of catchy, rocky, energetic guitar riffs switching to distorted or oniric arpeggios, engaging drums, unexpected time changes, clean and emotive vocals at times degenerating in dirty growls and screams, easy yet meaningful lyrics, all surronded by obscure, dramatic or exotic elements and atmospheres.


John’s absolute principle is to loyally translate his soul motions into music, without losing their pureness and straightforwardness because of mainstream genre conformations. Staying true to the everchanging nature of his soul means venturing in creating something always new, reshaping the borders of the sound, daring with bravery.


The band name refers to "humanity" saw from the perspective of Prometheus' myth, but it's also linked to the Dark Souls game serie. 


John writes the lyrics and produces all the music for his songs by his own since 2016. His major themes and source of inspiration are part autobiographical and part taking cue from human condition, rotten society and stories taken from animes and videogames such as Dark Souls and Fallout. 

Been in the shadows for very long, he's now rising from the ruins of his past band experiences giving himself to the music business machine in an attempt to bring his music to the ears of the world.
John has just finished the production of his first EP "Pain&Victory" and is about to complete the second one.


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